need to spent it wisefully!
so on wednsdy v decided to go shopping ( again??!! )
no,no,no..dis time i really do need
a new gloves n winter boots
so do beskut..his gloves got holes oledi..hehe
see the snow?
cant stand it...yep,b4 i do wish for more snow
but now..emmm..
dh cukup kot..
v went to evropski mall at kievskaya
below u can see my pic in front of kievskaya train st
if wanna go to st.petersburg by train
here is the station
now,beskut infront of the mall
not snowing
but its -14 at dat time!
i just lurveeee sakura tree..
xksh la plastik o not.ahaha.. nearly at all stores!!
50% - 70%!!
but still cant find what i really want..ehem..needs..
jus bought a light jacket for beskut from pull & bear
and adik prezent from topshop
notin for me??yep..haha..
i oso dun believe myself..
ya allah..kembangnye ko blikan la pape yg ptot untuk sepupu mu yg comel ini..
sape yg comel?
angah mmg comel..mekaseh2
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