so last time went to Ащан (Ashan)
bought dis curious looking fish
mainly bcoz dis is d only fish dat im not afraid to look at
hahaha..apenye ank dara la aku ni..
plus im more a chicken person
so dats explain everytin eh?hehe..
the labels said скумбрия ( skumbria )
so i googled it
ahaha..mackerel..wat d heck is mackerel?even in bm oso makerel
so to be safe
i decided to just grill these guys in oven
after "surgery",washed,lumurkan wif salt + lemon juice
to get rid the fishy smell..
den marinated wif sambal
grill bout 20 - 25 mins
better safe den sorry..
yes during surgery im afraid wif them
cant stand the slippery-ness - fishiness - having eyes cretures
looking at me
aym ne de mate time bli?
here is d after result
doesn't look too gud izit?
trust me....these guys tastes better den i tot
tq daling..for reconciling my lurve wif ur species..0_0
p/s:later i emel d pic to ibu..ahaha..ikan kembung rupe2nye..pttla familiar je rs..keke
WAKAKAKKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA...ikan kembong kot..wahahaha..nk pengsan aku glakkn ko..sengal la ko nie nadia...ahahahha la aku nk knl ikn pe.kt umh,mak aku yg bli ikn2 ni.ahahaha..xpe,sbb aku pun gelakkn diri sndr.hahaha
ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!..makarel???wei lawaks siut..lawaks!!!-pieya-
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