Monday, June 21, 2010
trash treasure
how to spent your sunday
oreo ?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
i dont believe in people anymore
i miss moscow and my hectic life there
feel like a foreigner in my own country.feel like i don't belong here
weird..i always thought malaysians are kinder,wiser,willing to help even a stranger who are in need compared to the russian..we were bombarded with an image that russians are rude,racists people..well..yes,thats true..but they still come forward and give a hand when you ask for help.
my recent experience thought me matter how much you yelled for help here in Malaysia,no body...i repeat..NO BODY willing to come forward and help you...even they parked right by your side..they just look at you and resumed their own business..seriously?
reading yesterday news make me struck...about the 3 years old girl Umairah being hit by a man at public playground till death..lots of witnesses..but none came forward to help?and the reason is because they afraid,and they simply don't wanna get involve with the police..we,Malaysian..are NO LONGER longer have a a police,ask that man to stop..its simple as that..if only some one had done that..Umairah would still breathing and live now..
I.. no longer believe that there are some of kindness in human the end,we protect our own..we are SELFISH..we think bout ourselves before others..and that includes me.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
who said steroid good for you?
- hair falls which is so demm obvious
- lots n lotss of white head..muke menggerutu okes..
- making me hungry & eat all the time
- resulting in rapid weight gain..( yeah,blame the ubat!haha!!)
- rapid hair growth in all area ( gross... tp kt pale xnk tumbuh plk )
- now i've got a moustache
- feeling jittery all the time
cool blog
- if mrh dgn sape2..maafkn je..kte pn bkn bek mane pn..
- if bertengkar pndpt dgn org yg jahil..diamkn aje..die xphm & jgn dilynkn..
- syg kn org yg syg pd kite..nk pd org yg nk pd kite..if org dh xnk,mv on je..rmi lg org dlm dunie ni..Allah dh jadikn sume umat nye,jgn risau.
- jgn jd munafik dlm ptt ltk 1st skali..( reminder to me )
- sbgi umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w,ati kte kne besar..jgn ati kecik..sket2 nk nngis,nk rs down..kite umt terpilih..jd jgn sng putus asa
- syukur dgn nikmat free yg Allah berikn...knp aku sng sgt lalai dgn nikmat dunie?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

About Me
- nadia.H
- im happy im sad. im lucky im bad. im nice im cranky. im sugar and spice but not evrytime nice. there's up and down. but im glad you are around. love me with all your heart. coz you're the homer to my marge ^_^
3.6.5 of me
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