xla awl sgt pun.
kul 8am je.
den decided to tk a walk.
coz the weather was not so cold.
n langit pun nmpk cerah je.
nice view..
even drag beskut along.
ahaha..abes tu,nk ajk sape g?.
dh rummate sume g jln2.
kem stil at msia.
n yasu enjoy kat italy.
hukhuk..aku kesepian..hahaha..
ok,now the sky dh x segelap td.
so can see clear la.
always love dis road.
xkire season ape
slalu cntk je.
time summer all d tree were green.
mcm ade canopy.
ok here,jln from my hostel to konkova.
basicly konkova is the area where we lived.
amek gmbr beskut curik2.
ahaha..bia nmpk cam org jakun.
russian pn tgk aku semcm
pepg dh pgg camera.
amek gmbr ntah hape2.
dis is kvartal.
a super market.
meh..i hate it here..
prefer viktoria..( tp xsmpt nk amek gmbr)
coz the place xbyk sgt brg.
tp beskut suke plak.
coz die ckp dkt ckit nk g.
here is a view from a bus stop.
in front of kvartal.
pepg ni xbyk lg la keta.
tp biasenye dis area jam.
from konkova metro st.
smpi la dpn hostel
ni kat viktoria.
at bakery section.
see the bread??n mkcik russian 2?
rs cam nk beli je sume roti.
tp sbb xde dlm shopng list.
so xpela..
stick to budget...chaiyo2!!
if from konkova 2 my hostel.
by bus dlm 5- 10 min.
if x jam.
turun dr bus.
dis wat will u see.
cni pun cntk gak.
nice pix.. amik gambo byk2 n upload kt blog.. at least i can c ur place eventho dunno when only i can go over there.. :p
huh blagak! takabur! nnt tuhan panah petir tau r...
uiii..bes nye men snow..lalalala
petir xde la time winter
ok,next time i upload summore
hah takabur la lg..tanam dlm kepala otak tu....."kun faya kun"...hah jgn tekejut tetibe ade petir time winter..
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