how long can ur besday celebration goes on?
well mine,only lasted a few hours..
but the present keeps on coming
new suprises everyday..
oh,some of the prezie i did choose for my self..
lets take a look shall we?
matrosyka bag..kawaiiii...
bubblegum necklace..
sgt2 cumel!!
remind me of bubblegum yg jual kat msia,sepeket de 3biji tuh..ingt x?
pac man & friends necklace
i just have to have this!
closer look...
cute bunny postcard..

cute cat & bird postcard

matrosyka keychain for my ifon...cumel~~~~~

ADP & shower gel from kem & aini..mekaceh~~~
best sgt2!!!!
matrosyka book cover soo into matrosyka rite now..
that obvious huh?

the inside
book for the cover..

and lastly...
even if i only got the bag
im happy oledi..hehe...
and the stuff inside
blew my mind away...
thank you,thank you,thank you!!!
( ♥_ ♥ ).......
at this moment
i'm spoiled.......but not rotten yet..
p/s:still got to redeem my besday presents from this people:
- ibu & baba ( my flight tix to home is the prezie..yay)
- fa adekku
- sotong adekku
- aziq..korg dh clash pun,angh xdulik..nk gak hdh..haha
- anis ( sudah
- salina & shazrul...hehehe..ooopss...
- nik..( hehe..bole ke nik? )
- nana ....( ble aa nana..aku nk gk,xdulik! )
- piah ... ( hehehe..u dun mind rite??)
- ucu makcik ku..( ye..kte kene tukar2 hdh )
ok,after redeeming presents from all of them,den baru la im rotten spoil..
Sudah lar sister.. sejak bile u suke minta hadiah ni? hehe..
demmm...aku pn da hantu nk menatang tuh..ada bag??n ada patung tuk key chain die??ala..ala..ala..bes nyer..nk yg key chain tuk phone tuh gak..brapa ek??mahal tak..
n the book cover..adoi..sungguh menarik??ada black red tak?? tgk website shopping plk aku nk ordr smua :))))
uh..aku Xsaba nk tngu ko balik..nk patung2 ku :D
thanc..ur bday present no worries la.. dah ada..tngu ko smpi je :D
salina : since i dpt hdh bebyk makin nk lg plk..hahaha..yala..ur besday present still ade kt umh palong..huhu..tnggu next summer la ye..solee~~
anis: key chain henpon tu murah aku xsure bli kt aku dpt.nnt if aku jejln,aku nmpk..aku blikn ko..
yg book cover tu,de kaler tu je la..xde kaler len..mau kah?nnt aku tgk2 kn..yg beg pun same...aku pun xtau..tb2 je,sume bnde org bg matrosyka..hehehe..
oh,dh de hdh?besnye....hehehe...
ye,aku mmg tb2 jd website bli brg..myb aku perlu berniaga?hahaha..
au rasa sbb ko g pesan kt kwn ko blikn patung aku smua ingt ko suke :))))
a..yg tuk phone tuh sangt comel..aku nk..aku nk..yg tuh mmg aku tol2 nk..klu singit je aku nk 5 ketol..ahahaha..leh bg adik akak aku :D
maybe mmg suke pun..sbb cumel2..wahahaha....
nnt aku try crikan.kalo jmpe la promise.hoho..
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