Its been a while..longer than a while..and its like deja vu all over again.its no different from the last one.yet the heartache feel deeper.stronger.its like falling into an abbyss with no end.u cant help it but to keep falling deeper and deeper.
Why people able to love?its nothing but pain in the a* drive people do crazy things.they said better to love and lost than never to love at all? What a load off crap.have they ever felt the pain it caused?even during happy time,sometimes its unbearable.the aching.the yearning.the break up.yes things started and ended.but to start again..its a total nightmare.moving on is the hardest thing to do when u r the one who has been dumped.agree?
I dont how long will it take to get over this one.nor will i ever be ok ever again.time is everything right?if only there's a forward button in life.that would be great.
I just cant take it.
I cant take it people who said thank u every much.nor people who spelled husband as hasband.
Than akan datang rs riak dlm hati.
Jentik hati berkali akn lupe jugak.
Ya Allah..
Rasa cinta ini adalah kurniaan dari mu.
Ku pohon kau tarik ia semula agar mata ku terbuka..biar minda ku sedar..dia bukan yg terbaik utk ku.
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inside at obyek wisata ,gunung kawi,tegalalang is a canvas,get my crayon & bunchos and brushes,and paint it colorful..
Friday, August 31, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
our trip to bali from 29th dec till 4th jan.
what a way to end 2011 and start 2012 =)
here are the pictures for day one..
all of us.except jihan & popo |
padi huma at tegalalang |
its a temple actually.
alam bali agriculture
the world famous luwak coffee.i actually tried a sip >,<
and this is how they look like before become a coffee.yeah,u guess rite..that's an unwashed coffee bean that still covered with ... hehehe..
our ordinary buffet lunch
with extra ordinary breath taking view of mount batur
keluarga Mas fine art gallery
kecak dance at uluwatu before they light the fire
vanara ( the scary monkey..)
see,scary but super cool! lol!
stay tune for day 2!
Dermagic by SimplySiti

Since dermagic have been trending in twitter since its launched,i actually am quite surprised with myself coz im actually intrigued to try it.
Then today while shopping with my mum,she actually heard about it.and end up bought the trial kit for me..haha,yea,at my age,my mommy still buy stuff for me..jeles much?lol..
The trial kit cost rm23.90,consist of 8ml tube of serum and 8ml tube of beauty moisteriser.
It claims to give a youthful and stress free skin.i frowned and squint my eyes too much to have a stress free skin.hehe..
Anyway, i tried it tonight and my skin feels super soft.hope this can help with my pigmentation.its soo bad that i can draw a map on my face..^_^!
Just some random rumbling..i went to a facial last supposed to be a relaxing experience right?but the girl wouldnt stop talking.and kept pushing me to buy more packages,products,treatments,etc..they wanna charge rm3000 for 10xs facial treatment???i laughed a little when she showed me the price using a calculator (coz she have to use it to show me how much the special package treatment cost after a 50% kept punching numbers saying its a great investment,a good deal,bla bla bla..
Rm3000 for facial.
have the world gone mad??
Friday, January 27, 2012
Wait aaa..
Lamenye xbkk blog..noting happened really..dats y im not too eager to write anything.
Later i'll try to blog about bali trip,gunung trip,some shopping spree(s),hehe..some beauty reviews,and one sweet things that en beskut had done.
Pls remind me kay...
Now, hungry & sleepy & hungry..oh,said dat oledi ^_^
Later i'll try to blog about bali trip,gunung trip,some shopping spree(s),hehe..some beauty reviews,and one sweet things that en beskut had done.
Pls remind me kay...
Now, hungry & sleepy & hungry..oh,said dat oledi ^_^
About Me
- nadia.H
- im happy im sad. im lucky im bad. im nice im cranky. im sugar and spice but not evrytime nice. there's up and down. but im glad you are around. love me with all your heart. coz you're the homer to my marge ^_^
3.6.5 of me
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