..life is a canvas,get my crayon & bunchos and brushes,and paint it colorful..

Saturday, September 18, 2010

tandas mahal klcc

smlm di klcc,kami gedix nk try tndas rm2 klcc
siap dpt resit and tisu bsh woo!
fancy giler..
tp frust sket sbb toilet tu xde la sebersih mane pn..
ade gk bau2 yg xmenyenangkan..eeww...
tp xpe la..xcube,kite xtau kn..

washing area..

tp yg besnye,dpt pki brng2 bodyshop free! de body mist,face soray,talcum & lotion.

kat area changing diaper plak,de bedak and lotion johnson2..
kire ok la..
but will i ever pay rm2 utk g tolet lg?


L Y N said...

bia btol??? rm2 for a toilet?! tp ok la, dpt body shop free. haha nape tak ambik je trus? :P

nadia.H said...

ade mkcik jg kt tepi tu...haha..tp puas gk la bermake up dlm toilet..kuar toilet je,trus jd wangi semcm...kui2