..life is a canvas,get my crayon & bunchos and brushes,and paint it colorful..

Friday, December 11, 2009

ape ek?

i cant sleep & bored..got many things to do but no desire to do it at all..all im thinking is this little evil voices inside my head urging me to watch movie,facebooking & demmit!out of all times,why only now did i'm in the mood to blog??!!so bare with me for a moment k..hehe

ya,for anis..the "little evil voices inside my head" tu,one of em is yours..haha..ur voice keep saying..."nadiah...blk xmas ni pls......" demm u!!how can i say no to dat??hahahaha!!!
im honored wif her recent post..well aside from LOL non stop reading her tales..haha..seyesly la nis..just TALK to him oledi!!!haa,xpun paskn ubt + vit pd kwn2 die yg bek dgn ko,suh pas ke die...bernas x idea aku?hehehe...

so sorry la coz our chatting time xsame..demm dis greenwhich time!haha..aku blk klas,aku mndi n tdo..by the time aku bgn,ko plk dh tdo mlm..tnggu la yer,aku dh bribe adik aku smlm,suh die pujuk mak aku utk bg green lite bg blk mesia..mari la kite berdoa sesame..amin...

im getting sleepy.
till we've meet again..


Miss Invi said...

miahahahaha..yer.,yer,,sile balik pls..ak meh no phone mak ko..bia aku col suh die anto ko balik :))))

ko tau aku da smpi tahap Xlalu dah sbb aku xtremely nyampah ngan one of the lady dlm geng die tuh..smpi aku Xlalu nk ngorat die..ahaha..serious..ko tau kn cm ner klu aku dah Xske org..mmg aku nyampah mls nk layan.. :))))

yer sile balik pls!!!!

nadia.H said...

hahaha...mak aku bg blk if result exm ok..lalala..tgk aa cmne nnt..

nih akk yg ari tuh ke?yg cri psl dgn ko? bo lyn je akk tuh.die jeles dgn ko kot..itu psl die wat perangai..

ye la,ye la..tgk la nnt..cmne exm..hehe