..life is a canvas,get my crayon & bunchos and brushes,and paint it colorful..

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lunch at pizza

Im blogging while waiting for my pizza to arrive.have you tried pizza hut's lunch express yet?

Rm17 for 2 sets if meal! 2 soup of the day,2 drinks,1 garlic bread plus 2 main dish which you can choose either pizza,rice or pasta!quite a good deal rite?

After tax and service charger,it came to toal of rm19.70..

Now,excuse me coz my pizza dh sampai..hehe..

Happy lunch everybody!

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Location:Pasir Gudang Hwy,Johor Bahru,Malaysia

Saturday, March 26, 2011

If GH truk sgt,g la private hosp!

Sy bengang bile org kutuk2 gov hosp.doctor xbgs la,nurse grng la,kne tnggu lame la..mcm2 nk kutuk.

Sy nk tnye,brape rm korg byr utk jmpe dr GH,n bpe rm korg byr utk private dr?seyesly..prnah ke korg byr murah,utk ppe pn,tp dpt servis/brng bgs?

Eskim karate hrge 20sen dgn baskin robin 1scoop rm10.mne lg sedap?

Cube pk.msk2.dlm2.lame2.kunci mulut dr berckp.pki otak.doctor kje contohla 7am-5pm.tp biase kul 7,8pm bru ble blk.korg ingt kje doctor mcm kje korg?duk kt dpn meja,men fb,kul 10 kuar mnm,kul 1 kuar lunch,kekdng smpt g soping2 skali.blum kul 5,dh pns bntot nk blk.

Doctor,nurses..keje berdiri non stop.bkn tkt check patient,kne wat repot gk,kne wat round,kne wat surgery.korg pk senang nk handle manusia?dgn bdk yg bru kuarkn syringe,dh jerit sekuat alam.dgn pkcik2 gtl,dgn mkcik2 demand..if u treat they good,xmengade,xde sbb utk dieorg nk mrh2.mybe ade yg kne mrh.let me tell u sumting..kje ni memenatkn n stressfull.if korg,korg ble nk senyum 24/7 ke?

N bpe lame korg spent ms time bljr kt uni dlu?prnah rs tensi smpi mcm nk gntung diri?if pernah,okla..bljr mmg ssh.tp bpe lme korg nk dptkn degree?3,4thn?doctor at least 5thn.korg ingt tu senang?try hafal 260bones dlm bdn korg.tu je.tu sy xmntk korg hfl sume nerves2 tu lg...if agk2 ble hfl,i tk bck my words.

So,pls..jg nk kutuk lg.n if rs xdemam,xyh ssh2 g hosp kul 2,3pg.pstu merungut rungut suh cpt.bile cek pns just 38 celcius je.menyusahkn ok!duk umh dr awl,mkn pndol 2bj n tdo.insyaAllah esk dh ble baik.pfffftt....

Setakat byr rm1,ubat nk frer..jgn la xbersyukur.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

rebecca black - friday

ape komen anda tentang lagu ni?
sy speechless...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Goodbye love

Death..is not new to me.yet,this time its been so hard..and painfull..i cant stop crying.i just cant.

If only i didn't swept my lawn this morning
If only i had put her in her cage
If only i had feed her for breakfast
If only i saw her running to my side
If only the myvi wasn't driving too fast
If only im with her at her last moment..


And If i can turn back the time...

I traded my life for her.
I know it sounds silly.
She's only a pet u might say..
But life is precious anyway..
And her's..had brighten mine more than you can imagine

A tribute for budum..silly name.i know..

A moment of silence...

The stripe one is budum..

Rest in peace baby..
Thank you.so much.
And im so so sorry...

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Smlm umh blckout kul 1pg.ms tu xtdo g.sbb tgh lyn anime.dh tgk fruit basket?if blum,sile tgk ye.ni xtau la kli ke brape sy tgk..ahaha..

Den sy siap2 sbb nk g amek ketot kt lrkin.g dgn en beskut n sutun.smpt g lepak kt mmk sbb kul 2.30 bru mkcik tu smpi.den kul 3pg,still blckout lg.sy mmg xble nk tdo.tngkp bukk luas alm,tp nyamuk2 dok nyanyi2 kt tepi tlinge.siap ggt2 plk tu.

Seyes,time ni rs mcm dh nk gile.dgn pns,dgn nyamuk,dgn pitch blck lg..sy msg en beskut.die pujuk2 suh tdo je.tp mmg xdpt nk tdo.bdk 2 org tu,dr gelak2 td..tb2 dh senyap.sng btul nk tdo.cet..rs seksa sgt2.den beskut ckp " cyg siap k,tdo otel,cookie hntr"...

Rs nk nanges terharu..tp mmg tgh nngs pn.lantak la korg nk ckp sy gedix ke ape.tp mmg rs SEKSA yg amat time ni.tp sy ckp,xpela..jom kuar,amek angin jap.time ni,dh kul 5pg..den die trus,ok jom.

Die dtg amek kt umh.smpt amek gmbr bulan besar alam tu.tp tu je la,sbb mmg tgh mamai giler.pnt + rs lega sbb kne ekon kete..mmg ngntuk sgt2..sy nngs2 dlm kete.bkn sbb gedix.tp sbb rs terharu sgt2..die suh try rehat.sy tertdo pstu.xtau g mne.tp mmg rs kete berjln.

Sedar2,dh kul 7pg.bukk mate,die xde kt sblh.sy siap dh berslimut.sy bgn,nmpk die tgh smoking kt luar..nmpk sy bgn,die senyum..msk kete,wish ohaiyo & tnye,nyenyak x tdo..

Den hntr sy blk rumah.

Point npe sy cite psl ni?sbb..dlu de org tnye,cmne nk tau dat his the one.sy xtau nk jwp..tp sy rs,ni la jwpnnye...and ade org ckp yg kami xkn kekal lame.now its been 8years and still going strong...even if yg dh kawen pn,husband xble nk sacrifice cmni..sbb sy prnh nmpk,husbnd ddk je kt meja.wife yg pregnant g beratur blikn mknn,air..dgn ank ikut kt sblh..jgn jd siot sgt ye lelaki..

.im happy.trully happy.

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

cik merah saye =)

hari yg sgt2 gumbira.
sy bgn awl pg..seyesly awl...
kemas2 umh..yg mmg giler2nye kemas
basuh bju..1 trip je..hehe
bersihkan sngkar meow
den kuar jejln dgn sutun & en beskut..
by dis time dh kul 2,mmg lapar giler..cri2 tmpt mkn yg bes n xpernah g
so try cafe ni
sugarcraft cafe @ danga bay

 sinful plate of salad..sy rs mkn ni je pn dh cukup.
tp obviously,tidak utk sy kn..hehe..

 sy oder spagetti bolognaise..
biase je..notin spesel..and spagetti die still a bit undercook..

 sutun plak oder mi kari.sy rs xsedap,tp die ckp sedap.pelik budak ni..

 chicken lasagna die holiau..yum3...

 cafe ni pn ble wat oder designer cake..comel2 gk tgk contoh2 kek die..yg tu,under the sea nye theme..mr crabby die kawaii!!

 yg ni plak,chinese wedding theme agknyer..sy suke details pd bunge tu...

and what mk my day the most..is this...


surprise for me..speechless....
my dream car...right there..
right in front of my eyes...
being 25 y.o is not bad..
this is my kind of fairy tales... =)